For WNC Employees
Our workforce is the cornerstone of WNC. You are essential to us locals and to visitors and we value you. We are here to help you succeed by sharing with you all of the opportunities available to you.
Mountain Area Workforce Development Board – Job Seeker Services
NCWorks Career Centers assist job seekers in every step of the job search process. We provide a number of services and referrals at no charge to help you find a job. If we don’t offer a service you need, we can usually refer you to an agency, business or organization that does. At NC Works Career Centers, our customers come first! We look forward to seeing you soon. If you are having a hard time deciding which career will enjoy and/or which career will fulfill your needs, our professional career counselors can help.
NCRLA Foundation Hospitality & Tourism Training Program
National Dislocated Worker Grant Of WNC
Choosing a new career path can be filled with hopes and dreams for the future, but can also be daunting. A unique funding opportunity to aid dislocated workers on this journey is now available thanks to a $7.5 million National Dislocated Worker Grant managed by the Southwestern Commission and Land of Sky Regional Council for an 11-county area of Western North Carolina.
We help individuals impacted by economic conditions find a new occupation, field or trade through education and training. Grant funding covers the cost of going back to school or enrolling in certification programs to acquire new skills.
Ready to Rock
Ready to Rock is a workshop series designed to help WNC regional employees learn to develop soft skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, de-escalation tactics, and more! These soft skills are invaluable in our lives as well as in our work.
This training will cover:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Empathy
- Growth Mindset
- Adaptability
- Work Ethic
A free opportunity to to watch and learn at your own pace.
You do not want to miss it. If you’d like to take the first step on this journey, click this link: