We Speak WNC

   A Program of Mountain West Partnership

Take a peek into our mountain home…
Your guide to all things WNC

We are proud to speak all things Western North Carolina. Surrounded by natural beauty here in our mountains, we are rich with culture and abundant in locally owned businesses that give our region its unique charm. Welcome, we are happy you are here.

WeSpeakWnc workforce conference

A glimpse at the 2023 Workforce Conference held at Harrah’s Cherokee Convention Center on february 27 and 28.

Welcome to WeSpeakWNC

There is magic in these mountains

They call you, draw you in, and mesmerize you. They are beautiful in more ways than one.

Our mountains remain solid and steady through every season, showcasing a living history.

But these mountains wouldn’t be home without the people who dedicate their lives to this place – the ones who make it matter, who live and breathe it.

Those who dedicate their time and love to make WNC unique know what the mountains hold.

The richness in culture, heritage, and knowledge. The businesses that build us. The resources that guide us. The support. The sense that you are not alone even when you’re hiking a trail, and no one is around.

The magnetic nature of this place will pull you in. But the people will make you want to return and stay a while.

They are the story that we tell, and they are the reason we speak

We speak: Resources for WNC businesses and employees.
We speak: Expertise in everything we do.
We speak: The discovery of new ideas.
We speak: A passion for the region and the future.

We speak community. Together, we all thrive.

Our home, our voice. Our mountains. We Speak WNC

Do you?

For Employers

Resources for WNC Employers

Our locally owned businesses are vital to our region. We appreciate our employers and are here to support you by connecting you with all of the resources available to you.

For Employees

Resources for WNC Employees

Our workforce is the cornerstone of WNC. You are essential to us locals and to visitors and we value you. We are here to help you succeed by sharing with you all of the opportunities available to you.